Rebirth of CurleyCues
Some of my family and friends know, (and some do not) that in 2015, I wrote and self-published a book of stories and memories of my youth in PEI. Based on the enthusiastic reaction of my publisher, I count myself a writer, and every writer needs a blog. I’m sure I’ve been told that.
My book was intended to amuse my children and nieces and nephews with stories that they’d often heard in beer-inspired family gatherings. At this point in my life, I find that writing is a way for me to organize my thoughts on any given subject, often just to figure out what the Hell do I really think about (fill in the blank)? Sometimes I like to publish my thoughts if only to stir the pot. I’ve found Facebook is a rather limited forum for that purpose. I hope this blog will give us all a better forum for the exchange of ideas.
As I try to solidify my position on any given subject, I do try to do a certain amount of research to convince myself that I stand on somewhat solid ground. But, let me admit right up front that I don’t do enough research to make me an expert on such topics. I’ll be happy to hear countering views. I suppose, being an argumentative bastard, that I’ll probably try to defend my original positions. But maybe not. (And pigs might fly)
Anyway, let me know what you think.
A long time ago I had a humour column in the Bruce A newsletter (the A Line). That column was called CurleyCues, and it was fun, and was my first introduction to writing for public consumption. There is a strong possibility that I will find some funny things to write about in this version of CurleyCues too, and the challenge for the reader will be to figure out when I’m serious and when I’m just funnin’. Good luck with that.